TRION TALKS UPCOMING ‘SIGNIFICANT’ ARCHEAGE UPDATES Trion just took an info dump at Gamescom, with “major” updates scheduled for all of the firm’s MMOs. ArcheAge is getting something called Heroes Awaken, which will “feature significant…
REDDIT REVOLT ERUPTS OVER ELITE: DANGEROUS EXPANSION PRICE Not everyone was thrilled at today’s news that Elite: Dangerous would be expanding to allow for planetary touchdowns with its upcoming Horizons expansion. One monster thread has erupted on…
SHROUD OF THE AVATAR PUSHES OUT RELEASE 20 WITH 113 PLAYER-RUN TOWNS Are you playing Shroud of the Avatar‘s latest release right now? Obviously not, you’re reading this article, but you could be playing it right now. It has a whole…
PROJECT GORGON MIGHT NOT WIPE BEFORE LAUNCH, ADDS DWARF STRETCH GOAL Big things are afoot for the Project Gorgon Kickstarter. The campaign, which passed its $20,000 crowdfunding goal this past Friday, put up two new stretch goals over the weekend…