
The servers went down for maintenance, as we are wiping them at the moment. The wipe should be done until 2PM tomorrow (CET) and then the update 0.5 will be finally released! It not only introduces many so long-awaited improvements and features, such as the total rework of the inventory, guilds, NPC shops and buffs systems, awesome performance increase of the servers and a game client, an inn with a brothel or new NPC enemies, but also moves Gloria Victis to the Alpha stage!

Unfortunately, we weren’t able to organize a “goodbye” event before the wipe, as currently the servers performance was a bottleneck – they wouldn’t handle the traffic. But don’t worry – we are going to perform various events on regular basis since this massive update finally goes live!

P.S. A screenshot shows a “Dead Raven’s” Inn. 🙂

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