While other studio teams are powering down for the holidays, it looks as though Star Citizen’screw is keeping up the pace. The team just put out Alpha 2.1 today, bringing with it the flyable Freelancer base and Sabre fighter, as well as several fixes for the Crusader region. Alpha 2.0 has seen over 80,000 players explore it since its December 11th release.

Chris Roberts posted an end-of-the-year pep talk for fans, thanking them for their support and helping to raise over $102M for the game. He also promised that future patches would adhere to a tighter schedule than before.

“Going forward we will be changing our patch release strategy to be less feature driven and more date driven. Our goal is to release a new update every month (so January’s would be SC Alpha 2.2),” he wrote. “We feel like this strategy will be better for both development and the community at large. It will ensure constant updates and patches and a good flow of features. But as we’re not defining which features make a particular release, we won’t be in a situation like we were earlier this year where the delays on the FPS development in Star Citizen ended up blocking game updates for the community.”

Source: Star Citizen #1, #2. Thanks to Darkwalker for the tip!