If you’ve paid for unique items and extra content for an upcoming game, would you want all of that available in the game’s offline mode as well as its online version? And if so, how accessible should that content be in both?

This is the question that’s being put to the Shroud of the Avatar community. The big issue is whether or not the game’s offline mode should allow universal access to add-on store and pledge items.

“We thought a powerful gesture would be to make ALL content available in offline mode including ALL add on store items and pledge rewards,” Portalarium’s Starr Long posted. “Players would still have to earn enough gold to purchase them or gather enough resources to make them in game unless they purchased them which in that case they would start the game with them just like they do now. Our only concern is that backers who did pay for the content might feel upset that content they believed exclusive was available to any player (even if only in offline mode).”

If you’re a backer and have an opinion on this, head on over to the official forums and cast your vote, and then maybe take a look at our Choose My Adventure column this month, where MOP’s own Matt Daniel is chronicling his time in this very game.