More and more these days Shroud of the Avatar is looking like a whole game. It probably helps that the game seems to update every other day, although in reality it’s once a month. This past week the fantasy title lurched forward to embrace Release 27, another small milestone on its way to this summer’s final character wipe and pseudo-release.
Release 27 has a buffet of all types of content. There’s a couple of PvP areas, the new PvE dungeon of Artifice, fast travel, and plenty of new player towns and variations of player town templates. For the fashion-conscious, there are now kilts and walking canes. Now you can be jealous that every other MMO doesn’t have them, yes?
The team also addressed how it will be handling the tricky issues of player towns and housing with the big upcoming wipe. Portalarium said that it has already sold between 200 and 300 player-owned towns so far and will handle the transition with a deft hand.