Reputation System in Mortal Online 2

Mortal Online 2 is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) that features a complex reputation system. The reputation system is used to track a player’s reputation with other players, guilds, and factions. It is also used to determine a player’s access to certain areas and content.

Basics of the Standing System

The reputation system in Mortal Online 2 is based on a standing system. Standing is a number that ranges from -100 to 100. A player’s standing with another player, guild, or faction is determined by a number of factors, including:

  • Interactions: How often you interact with the other player, guild, or faction.
  • Actions: Whether you help or harm the other player, guild, or faction.
  • Votes: Other players can vote for or against you.

Your standing with a player, guild, or faction will affect your interactions with them. For example, if you have a high standing with a guild, you will be more likely to be invited to join the guild. If you have a low standing with a faction, you will be more likely to be attacked by members of that faction.

Usecases of the Standing System

The reputation system in Mortal Online 2 is used for a variety of purposes. Some of the most common usecases include:

  • Guild recruitment: Guilds often use the reputation system to determine whether or not to invite a player to join their guild.
  • Faction standing: Your standing with a faction can determine your access to certain areas and content.
  • Trading: Your standing with a player can affect the prices you can get for goods and services.
  • PvP: Your standing with a player can affect how other players treat you in PvP.


Players can vote for or against other players in Mortal Online 2. Voting is a great way to let other players know how you feel about them. It is also a way to help maintain a positive and productive community.

There are two types of votes in Mortal Online 2:

  • Positive votes: Positive votes are used to show your appreciation for another player. They can be given for a variety of reasons, such as helping you in combat, being friendly, or just being a good player to be around.
  • Negative votes: Negative votes are used to show your disapproval of another player. They can be given for a variety of reasons, such as being rude, griefing, or cheating.

Tips for improving your reputation

Here are a few tips for improving your reputation in Mortal Online 2:

  • Be helpful and friendly. Help other players with quests, tasks, and crafting. Be respectful of other players and their property.
  • Join a guild. Joining a guild is a great way to meet other players and build your reputation.
  • Participate in community events. Community events are a great way to meet other players and have fun.
  • Vote for other players. Voting for other players is a great way to show your appreciation for them.