Intrepid Studios, the developer behind the highly anticipated MMORPG Ashes of Creation, has taken a firm stance against players who exploit in-game bugs. In a recent announcement, CEO Steven Sharif issued a strong warning to those who have been abusing the game’s systems.

The Duping Scandal

Last weekend, a severe duping exploit was discovered and exploited by a portion of the player base. This exploit allowed players to duplicate items, gold, and other valuable resources, compromising the game’s economy and testing environment.

Intrepid’s Response

In response to this issue, Intrepid Studios took swift action:

  • Patching the Exploit: The exploit was quickly patched in a recent update.
  • Punishing Offenders: Players who were found to have exploited the bug were punished with severe penalties, including character wipes and account restrictions.
  • Wiping Duped Items: All items that were duplicated as a result of the exploit were removed from the game.
  • Resetting Node Economies: The economies of nodes that were affected by the exploit were reset.

A Strong Message

Steven Sharif’s message to the community was clear: exploiting will not be tolerated. He emphasized the importance of fair play and the negative impact that cheating can have on the game.

Controversial Patch Notes

In addition to addressing the exploit issue, Intrepid Studios also released a set of patch notes that introduced some controversial changes. One of the most significant changes is the introduction of damage and heal dampening for players with experience debt. This change has been met with mixed reactions from the community, with some players arguing that it is too harsh.

Despite the controversy, Intrepid Studios remains committed to creating a fair and balanced gaming experience for all players.

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