Fallout 76 January Updates Detail Wastelanders Private Test Server - MMORPG.com

“This patch may seem minor since it will not contain many gameplay adjustments for the current version of Fallout 76, but it is necessary prep work. It will include a few fixes for some cosmetic items that we managed to squeeze in, since doing so did not affect our ongoing work on Wastelanders content. This patch will require some downtime on Tuesday, and we will be providing patch notes, but we wanted to let you know that the list of changes will be shorter than usual. Wastelanders will not only contain new content for you to explore and conquer, but it will also include many fixes and improvements for issues that currently exist in the base game. Additionally, in patches that follow we plan to return to the larger updates that you’ve come to expect.”

Content retrieved from: https://www.mmorpg.com/fallout-4/news/fallout-76-january-updates-detail-wastelanders-private-test-server-1000055004.