β€œEach Battle Pass will last for about 13 weeks. We have seen the concerns about how long it takes to fully complete, and our goal has been to balance it to a satisfying pace. In practice, that means that if you play at least one hour on two separate occasions every week, you should be able to complete the entire Battle Pass before the next one comes along. If you play a single two-hour session, you may still finish it, but will need to complete some of the more difficult challenges. This is an estimate but gives a good impression of the pace. The progression is also linear, meaning that it will not get harder to level the further you get.”

Heralding a new age in Conan Exiles, Sorcery is joined by the Battle Pass and Bazaar!

We know there’s been a lot of questions about this, so click the link below and learn all about it πŸ‘‡:https://t.co/Okxj5fl88s pic.twitter.com/AhN39uLIMU

β€” CONAN EXILES (@ConanExiles) July 14, 2022

Content retrieved from: https://massivelyop.com/2022/07/14/conan-exiles-deep-dives-its-planned-battlepass-monetization-system/.