Progress update
Hi there community!
It’s time to start doing development updates again! The next couple of dev updates will keep you updated on what we are doing for the Steam release and what changes we have planned before that.
This time we will do things a bit differently than with the Sarducaa patch. We plan to release the new content created for Steam with regular patches instead of holding it back for one massive patch.
This week we have had a patch on the test server with the first changes and it will be released sometime next week.
Here is a short summary of what we have done so far:
Added Steamworks support
We have added support for Steamworks. This means you will get the shift+tab overlay, Steam will track your playtime and how many players are playing etc.
Added achievement support
We will launch on Steam with achievements. Currently we have coded 40 of these but we will add more as we get closer to release.
These are mostly quick and simple to implement but requires a bit of art from the concept guy.
Added Steam trading cards
We will also make use of Steam’s trading card feature. 6 cards have been custom painted by our concept guy. For more info on how Steam trading cards work check out this link.
As a part of this we have also added Mortal Online related emoticons and badges.
QA can now update using steam
The QA people have been able to update through Steam instead of the launcher for the last 2 weeks.
This new way of downloading is much quicker and much safer then our old patching system. This also means that they can use Steam to verify the content they have (similar to the old integrity scan) and download anything that seems to be broken.
Added a new tutorial location
Yes, a new starting location has been added and it’s placed in Morin Khur. Work has been done on Morin Khur itself and also the graveyard and terrain outside this large city.
With this we also updated the waypoint system that the tutorial arrow uses and implemented other helpful features such as vendors that call out your name to guide players to them.
We also made a change to how movement speed scales so that new players move much quicker then they did before.
More art updates in Morin Khur and the rest of the world will be coming soon.
UI fixes
We have put a lot of focus on making the UI work more like “you would expect it to”. Odd quirks like how things stack when you loot have been improved as well as other overall improvements.
Currently the UI saving is being reworked so that it’s saved locally rather than on our servers. We will then make use of Steam’s cloud saving to keep these files updated on all your computers essentially making it the same system you have now but without all the problems that comes with saving it on our server (UI resetting etc.)
Achievement preview
Here are a couple of the achievements we have implemented so far:
Lost Lunch
Don’t drop it!
Hold a relic.
Swan Dive
Fall 120 meters and land in water.
Get murdered by more then 5 people at once.
Novice, Adept, Expert and Master lockpicker
Successfully lockpick 15, 50, 100 and 200 locks, respectively.
We would really like some feedback on these and would greatly appreciate ideas for more achievements.
Please leave your ideas in this thread.
Trading cards
Today we also show you the first trading cards, this week it’s the Kallard!