As promised earlier this week, Daybreak is kicking off its latest Landmarks of Landmarkcompetition tomorrow, inviting players to submit custom claims as, well, landmarks that may be permanently installed in the game. Writes Emily “Domino” Taylor,

“The Landmarks of Landmark are visually interesting and striking builds located at each island’s central portal hub, to provide a point of visual interest and inspiration. The previous competition winners can currently be seen by portal hubs in Landmark Closed Beta, and now we’re inviting you to help us update them! Winning landmarks may be used during Beta and/or in our live game, and will be credited with the builder’s name.”

Submissions are due in by February 25th, when player voting begins. Daybreak will pick the winners starting in March.

Source: Official forums. Thanks, Raging Berserker!
  1. You too can pay to build another game that you will also have to pay for. Seriously this is some next level lazy development especially seeing as Next is pretty much the Duke Nukem of MMO’s. The company developing it keeps talking about it, but nothing is really seen of it.

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