
Developer Update

Progress update

Hi there, community!

Today we bring you a bit of information on what we are doing but also ask for your help!
We have in the last weeks been doing a lot of bug fixes and patched rather frequently.
There’s most likely one or two more of those patches coming your way before we release a larger feature patch.
We will start building the new magic school next week, and more information about that will come once it’s more than just design documents.
Something we can talk about, though, is what Jonas is working on, namely the Arena system.

New Arena System
Currently the Tindrem Arena is manually opened by game master to hold events or competitions and really serves no more purpose other than to be a zone where everyone goes grey.

This will change.
A more fleshed out system for duels and fights in the arena is currently being built. At the moment we are starting out with a rather simple system where you sign up to a fight for a fee, once matched with enough people you will enter a dueling circle where a fight to death will occur.
The winner will receive all the money collected, and a simple “high score” list of winners will be logged and shown.
This system is still very early in development but we have talked about more complicated fights such as PvE team fights vs animals and custom rules such as “no potions allowed”.
We would love to get your feedback on what you want to see so please leave you ideas on the forums and we will see what we can do!

We want your guild capes!
In June it will be 6 years since the first players entered Nave.
It’s been a really long and somewhat bumpy road but we are still here, all thanks to you folks.
To celebrate this milestone we have decided that it’s time to make some new capes and this time, you get to design them.

The rules are rather simple:
You design a cape using this template. The right side is the back of the cape the left the inside.
All capes must be affiliated with a guild. We want guild logos or other guild affiliated pictures on the back. Guilds that have had a great influence on the game over the years will be more likely to be picked.
The guilds do not have to be currently active, this is about the history of the game, not the current political climate.

Here are some of our own capes to spark your imagination. Note that you don’t need to add the wrinkles we will do this after getting the design.
We have made a thread where you folks can discuss this event and submit your designs. You can find that thread right here.

That’s all

Thanks to all of you for all the support you’ve shown us during these years, we wouldn’t be here without you. <3